The Intriguing History Behind Wedding Traditions #1

June 8th, 2024

Did you know why a bride often stands to the left of the groom during the wedding ceremony? Well, it's not a random choice. This tradition has a historical backdrop which is quite fascinating. It goes back to medieval times when the groom needed to keep his right hand - the sword hand, free. This was to ensure that he could defend his bride against any rivals who might attempt to steal her during the ceremony.


Fast forward to the present day, and this once practical arrangement has now become a beautiful tradition. The groom's right hand is now free not to wield a sword, but to hold his bride's hand, to exchange rings, and to seal their vows of love. It's a fun and symbolic nod to the past, adding a layer of richness to the ceremony.


As a Vancouver-based wedding photographer, I have witnessed a myriad of such traditions. Each wedding unfolds like a unique tapestry, woven with threads of traditions, some passed down through generations, others newly created. Each one adds depth and context to the celebration, making it a deeply personal and meaningful experience for the couple.


I consider myself fortunate to be able to capture these special moments and traditions. They offer a fascinating glimpse into the couple's heritage, their values, and their unique love story. Each time I learn something new, it adds another layer to my understanding of weddings, love, and traditions.


Weddings are more than just ceremonies. They are a celebration of love, a union of two people, and a confluence of traditions and customs that give a glimpse into our past. So, the next time you attend a wedding, look around. You'll be surprised at the rich tapestry of history and tradition that unfolds before your eyes.
